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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Wrong Opinion

Booster booster CDN writes in to say:

Hey! Not sure if you saw, but WhatCulture posting an article about comic characters that people hate but shouldn't, and Booster is number 10 on the list.

Hrm. He sure is. According to Neil Gray, who wrote the article "10 Comic Book Characters Everyone Hates (And Why They're Wrong)":

A loud-mouthed braggart with ideas well above his station and a constant need for self-promotion, it's not difficult to see why people have a huge dislike for Booster Gold. Ever since Michael Jon Carter burst onto the scene in 1986 this one man showboating machine has just rubbed fans up the wrong way, and let us not forget here, the guy is nothing more than a thief.

Gray isn't wrong. While Booster obviously has a dedicated fan club — you're all lovely people — modern Internet forums do seem to be full of people who have never cared for the Corporate Crusader. And they do make a good case against him. Creator Dan Jurgens admitted as such while announcing the series' cancellation in the letter column of Booster Gold Volume 1, #25 way back in 1987.

One of the problems we always had with BOOSTER GOLD was the fact that he was really an unlikable character in some respects.

Jurgens softened Booster's origin somewhat in 1988's Secret Origins #35, but at the heart of it, Booster was still someone with an abrasive personality and a history of making some very poor decisions. Some people will never get past that. If Booster can live with that, so can I.

I have a bigger problem with the fact that the article includes Superman at number 7. (Show me someone who doesn't like Superman, and I'll show you someone who doesn't like Coca-Cola or apple pie. Blasphemers!) At least Gray tries to set those misguided miscreants' minds straight.

You can find the whole list at Thanks for the link, CDN.

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